Thursday, May 31, 2012

 Hey everybody! We are having a spark it up time at the Twack-Factory! After using assorted tools to puncture a hole, I decided i could use my Dremel on it! Smart I am.
However, I didn't realize that the cutting would send a shower of sparks across the room. Not wanting to start the Factory on fire, I have decided to wait until I can find a space where it is safe to do this. Safety first! Bristles up! Twack

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

 Hey everybody! I have the day off and got all my chores done! Now I get to spend some time in the Twack-Factory! I made a decision just to move forward with what I have already made. I took the original tin head and trimmed off about 3/8 of an inch off the bottom. I am much happier with the proportions of the head to the body. Now the next step is to start designing the mouth!
 I need to stop giving Twack such a cheesy grin all the time!
Ok, this is sooo much better.
Here is a page from a story I've been working on.When I don't have time to build something, I storyboard ideas and keep them on file. In this story..Twack is going to meet creatures from outer space! Bristles up! Twack

Monday, May 21, 2012

Friday, May 18, 2012

Hey everybody! Weird, kinda emotional day today at the Twack-Factory. I started a new job and I am working a lot, which is great, but it takes me away from the thing I love to work on...Twack.  I feel a bit down when I don't get to  use my creative side for a while. It's also a day to ponder this character. How odd i've been photographing a paintbrush since 2009. He has come along have I. I now see how much of myself is in him. He is an odd little reflection of who I am inside. Thanks for following everybody.  I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am creating it. I don't know how much time I will have this summer to work on him. We will see. Until then.....Bristles up everybody!...Bristles up!

Monday, May 14, 2012

 Hey everybody! What's up? Here I am trying to make a new head piece for Action-Twack!
 I thought I could place the tin in between two pieces of wood and bend it on the edge of my bathtub.
I got a straight line... but the top edge looks wrong.  All shiny and dimpled. I want that tin stamped look that is on a paintbrush.
Before I spend any more money on tin, there is a workshop down the street I am going to go visit and see if they can help me achieve the look I want. I like the shorter profile.
Bristles up! Twack

Thursday, May 10, 2012

 Hey everybody! It's a big -up day! The clouds  and rain are going away! The sun is coming out!
 Ahhh, sunshine!
 Here is my balcony at the Twack-Factory! Welcome to my neighborhood!
Mr. Blue Sky!
Bristles up! Twack

Thursday, May 3, 2012

 Hey everybody! It's a cold and rainy day at the Twack Factory.
We sure could use a "Cat -in-the-Hat" right about now.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

 Hey everybody! How is everyone? Well, here we are back at the Twack Factory, after our totally amazing California Adventure! We had so much fun and made so many new friends. We also reconnected with some dear old friends. sigh. Anyway, we are back! And getting back to Action Twack!
 For anybody new, this is Action Twack! I am making a muppet-styled puppet of Twack. Then he can start doing live action! Here is a photo from where we left off. After spending some time thinking about this, I have decided I am going to make a new head. I think I can make it more to my vision. Proportion is off.

 Chunk hurt his leg on the trip. Good to have a back up. Easy there, Chunk!
These are too cool! So many possibilities! Twack might get shrunk like Alice in Wonderland. Multiplying Twacks! Oh, the horror! HA! Have a great night everybody. Bristles up! Twack