Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Hey Everybody!
 I finally took one of my pencil sketches and colorized it! (watch out Ted Turner)
Something silly…enjoy.

Bristles Up!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hey Everybody!
Remember when I told you I was working on a comic strip?
Probably not.
Anyway, I have finally finished all the drawing and coloring on this strip
and can finally put the text in! It is 6 pages, a lot.
Maybe tomorrow I can post it!
Bristles up!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

 Hey Everybody! How are you? It's been a while. I have been so busy it's totally crazy!
 Me and my buddy Chunk both had the day off and we got all our chores done, so we 
decided to go to the Inez Grant Parker Memorial Rose Garden in Balboa Park!
It's in full bloom!
 Some tragidy happened while I was smelling the roses! Chunk got his arm caught on a thorn and
it tore his arm off!
 He makes the strangest sound when his limbs come off. Lol.
 I put his arm back on and all is well. We went back to enjoying this beautiful day!
 What a beautiful garden.
 Best friends!
 Goofing around with my buddy!
One of the many beautiful buildings in Balboa Park.
Take care everybody!
Bristles Up!
Twack (and Chunk)