Monday, June 30, 2014

Hey Everybody!
Did you hear the US Post Office is coming out with a new stamp
commemorating prostitution in the United States?
It is going to be a 75 cent stamp.
But if you want to lick it….
it's gonna cost you a dollar!
Bristles Up!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Hey Everybody!
 How are you? Having a great weekend?
Me? Never a dull moment.
I have been thinking I need to do something new. I was thinking about a video project.
I did a "clip" a long time ago.
It's back in the archives somewhere. I'm not real thrilled with it.
The word I spoke was "Boobie"…yea…classy.
I remember choosing that word because, at the time, I thought it would be funny.
I also thought it would be a super easy word to animate.
Well, I think it is time for me to move beyond my boobied past.
I've been thinking about many things. If I just want to make a music video, something
stop-motion, or something in between. I don't know if I want to make something Disney-ish. 
You know, something feel good that makes everybody happy, or something real.
We will see.
Enjoy your weekend everybody.
Bristles Up!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

"I want to live in a world where Art Dealers out number Drug Dealers."

Monday, June 23, 2014

Yea! Spa night! A bottle of wine, a mud mask, and maybe a chick flick. Um...ok. maybe just some Real Housewives. :)

Sunday, June 22, 2014

 Hey Everybody! How have you been?
This has been an emotional, crazy week. A very physical one too! In addition to running around job hunting, I have been getting to the gym everyday AND practicing my Tai Chi everyday!
I am amazing.
I woke up pooped this morning, so I decided it was going to be a lazy sunday. Chill.
I packed my bag and went to the park. I brought my sketch book with me. Do you like it?
I got a big old pic of me on the cover. Me? An ego? Whatever do you mean?
It has all sorts of sketches for strips or video ideas, or plans to take over the world and stuff.
I also refer to it as "The Book of Twack" tee-hee

So after some sketching, and an awesome nap under the shade of a tree, I was ready to head home.
On my way home I came across this! Oh, Charlie Brown! You blockhead!
The tree got your kite again! 
I bet you some mom & dad had to deal with a pissed off kid that day. No thank you.
Anyway, have a chill night and a good week.
Bristles Up!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Hey Everybody? How are you? Are you sick of me yet?
Unemployed paintbrushes can really be annoying. Lol.

Anyway, I think I told you before that I parctice Tai Chi and Qi Gong.
I tend to think of myself as a spiritual kind of paintbrush.

When I was very young, there was someone in my life I loved very much. 
I was the brush, and this person was the hand. 
And we created amazing things together.
And one day this person got sick…very sick.
And died.

The reason I am telling you this is because in my grief, someone had given me a gift.
It was a gift of a deck of Tarot cards and a book.
Everyday I shuffle the cards and pick one.
My card deck is like a good friend that tells me what I need to hear.
 There are 78 cards in this deck. 
For the last 3 days  I have pulled the SAME CARD.
"Six of Wands, Trust"
What are the odds of that?
I am open to the universe and have trust that it will see me through this.
I still have the book. It's now being held together with duct tape.
Take care everybody.
Bristles Up!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

 And now for something completely different!
I have been trying to take these photos for some time now.
I live downtown. As the sun is setting, it cuts between two buildings and through my window
onto a blank wall. I have found out it only happens in June. I only got a few photos last year. I tried last night, but some clouds on the horizon killed it. Conditions were perfect. I tried to do as much as possible…
I only had nine minutes before the sun went away.
The one above, a simple self portrait.
 Shadow Alien, OR Shadow Speed Racer X. I like how my glasses caught the light.
 Shadow Saint. I love this! I have been thinking about this image forever! Ya know the screen thingy you put over your frying pan so grease doesn't
splatter everywhere when you cook? I taped the handle of it to my neck and threw a blanket on my shoulders. Mmmm.. I smell bacon.
 Wow, everyones going to a Padre game and I'm at home taking picures of my shadow.
Screw it! I am… Saint of the Shadows.
 Of course, we all knew HE was going to get in on it. Attention pig!
I love him.
 Pole dancing!
 Shadow dancing with myself!
This is by far my favorite photo. I am losing the light.
That little moment of magic is fading.
I find this photo creepy, and cool. 
The best photo I have ever taken of myself.
Hey Everybody! How are you?
I was really depressed yesterday about my whole "life" situation.
No job, no money, no friends.
It's just kinda tough waking up every day and having to say,
"Ok, let's get through this."
I found out that Balboa Park opens certain museums for free to San Diego residents
on every Tuesday!
Free?…I can work with that.
I wanted to take some photos inside the museum, but they kept telling me 
to put away my camera.

I kinda got bummed, I realized everybody in the museum was with someone or in groups.
It felt like I was the only single person there.
Everyone was walking around chatting with each other about paintings,
artists, colors and brush strokes.
I had all those conversations with myself… in my head.

I know this will all turn around someday…I have faith.
Well, I need to keep my Bristles up and carry on.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

 Hey Everybody! HAPPY FATHERS' DAY!
I hope you and your dad are having a great day.
Here is a pic of me and MY dad. When I was younger, me and my dad didn't get along
too well. My dad used to be addicted to paint thinner. Yea. Growing up was pretty rough.
He was a wild man and no one could stop him. And then one day, he got drunk and 
fell into a paint mixer while it was on. He almost died. It was the best day of his life.
He never drank again. That paint mixer saved his life.
As you can see, I got my dads hair. I got my big hands and feet from my mom. Ooops!
She would be so pissed if she heard me say that!
 Here are some pics of my Dad in his wild days.
 He could never handle his Paint Thinner.
 He was so drunk at the Minnesota State Fair, he hung off the side of a wood-chipper
and pretended to be that ladies husband from the movie Fargo!
(She put him in the wood-chipper, she did.)
Dad, thanks for sobering up. You are an inspiration to drunk dads everywhere!
I love you.
Bristles Up!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

 Hey Everybody! How are you?
Well, I got stinking drunk and munched all my cookies and had a good cry last night.
Today is a new day! I am going to get things going in the right direction.
I've decided I'm going to Balboa park everyday and
practice my Tai Chi instead of doing it at the gym!
The move above is called Snake creeps down….ooooo,creepy!
 This one is called Wave hands like clouds or Heaven Hands.
Pushing the wave! Getting out all the bad energy I had to deal with from that crappy job. Anyway.
Time for some new energy! A new breath of life!
Ok, I think I'm gonna take a stroll around the park before I head home.
Take care everyone.
Bristles Up!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hey Everybody, what's up?
I'm really bummed. I got fired from my job yesterday!
I'm not really surprised. I kind of thought something was up.
I never got along with one of the owners, he's a total 2-faced, D-bag.
He turned the other managers and owners against me, probably because I 
caught him handing one of the dishwashers cash. Every one suspected they were having sex. GROSS! 
Anyway, they pulled me in for a "managers evaluation"that all the managers were
having. I assume. They went through this evaluation one of the other managers wrote up
and he made me sound like one of the most incompetent managers that ever lived!
After hearing it, I was kind of surprised that I never burned the place down!!!
Realizing there were no positives written down, that this was not an evaluation, it was a firing.
I knew I was screwed, so pleading my case was a wast of time. I went on the managers log today
to get some info for my unemployment and I noticed they had already had hired someone hired
for my position. Assholes. They never even wanted to work with me.

Ya know, I was just different than them. I don't think they liked paintbrushes.
I was the only one there.

Oh, well. Tomorrow is a new day.
But for tonight? I have a half a bottle of tequila and a box of cookies.
I think I just need to get drunk and have a good cry.
Good night Everybody.
Bristles Up! (whatever)