Wednesday, June 18, 2014

 And now for something completely different!
I have been trying to take these photos for some time now.
I live downtown. As the sun is setting, it cuts between two buildings and through my window
onto a blank wall. I have found out it only happens in June. I only got a few photos last year. I tried last night, but some clouds on the horizon killed it. Conditions were perfect. I tried to do as much as possible…
I only had nine minutes before the sun went away.
The one above, a simple self portrait.
 Shadow Alien, OR Shadow Speed Racer X. I like how my glasses caught the light.
 Shadow Saint. I love this! I have been thinking about this image forever! Ya know the screen thingy you put over your frying pan so grease doesn't
splatter everywhere when you cook? I taped the handle of it to my neck and threw a blanket on my shoulders. Mmmm.. I smell bacon.
 Wow, everyones going to a Padre game and I'm at home taking picures of my shadow.
Screw it! I am… Saint of the Shadows.
 Of course, we all knew HE was going to get in on it. Attention pig!
I love him.
 Pole dancing!
 Shadow dancing with myself!
This is by far my favorite photo. I am losing the light.
That little moment of magic is fading.
I find this photo creepy, and cool. 
The best photo I have ever taken of myself.

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