Monday, July 14, 2014

Hey Everybody! How are you?
I am doing awesome! This has been a great day. Finally, everything is falling together.
I had this 160GB iPod ($$$) that died on me about a year ago. I threw it in a box, forgot 
about it and went and bought a new (cheaper) one.
Today I was going through stuff and was in the box. I saw the iPod and that little voice in my
head (Well, the good one.) said, "Go plug it in"
After about a minute, I noticed the screen lit up! I let it fully charge and it works!

AND, I got a call from the interview I had last week. You know, the one I totally dorked out
on? Yea. They want to meet with me next week for a second interview! Super Cool!!!

Oh, AND, I got my unemployment in the mail today! I have money!
I'm not going to have to put my flat ass out on the street corner after all.
Could you see me out there in a mini skirt, tube top and a big blond wig?!?
Every johns nightmare.

OH, AND, AND, One of my best friends from Seattle is on a road trip and is coming here!!!
He is going to be staying with me and I'm going to show him SoCal!
He has never been here before. It's going to be a blast!

Ok, so there you have it. Pretty righteous day, don't you think?
I wish everybody's day tomorrow will be as awesome as mine was today.
That is my wish.
Bristles Up!

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